US Expand 2024: Networking Before Expanding Pays Off

Hydra Consulting / US Market Insights / Client's Insights

US Expand 2024: Networking Before Expanding Pays Off

Hydra Consulting
7 mins read

US Expand 2024 is a unique networking event, bringing together companies and clients from various industries who have successfully expanded into the US or are about to embark on this journey.


Josef Scharfen, CEO of Hydra Consulting, hosted the event and took the role of moderator. He invited our clients, who have successfully expanded into the US to share their stories. And they did exactly that!

Speakers at US Expand 2024

US Expand eway system

eWay System expanded into the US in 2022, establishing a presence in Kansas City with their CRM software for Microsoft Outlook. Their software helps companies organize emails, meetings, and tasks, enabling more efficient team collaboration.


The company has established itself in the local market, and we are pleased to have assisted them in various ways, including hiring their very first US employee, who remains with them to this day. “When I was firing the fifth employee, I knew I had to hire locally,” said Jan Lalinský, CEO, eWay System, explaining what led him to make his first US hire.

 “When I was firing the fifth employee, I knew I had to hire locally.”

US Expand Pacellico

Pacellico expanded into the US in 2021, establishing a presence in Delaware. Pacellico is a consulting and advisory company that helps technologically advanced manufacturing businesses achieve transformation and improve performance in production, supply chains, and customer processes.


They acquired their very first client in the US, who insisted that business operations be conducted between two American entities with proper insurance and legal documentation.


We are pleased to have been able to assist with this, enabling Pacellico to secure the new client. “What was advantageous for us was the fact that Hydra Consulting is both a Czech and US entity, which built a great amount of trust between our teams,” says Lee Eden, Partner, Pacellico.

“What was advantageous for us was the fact that Hydra Consulting is both a Czech and US entity, which built a great amount of trust between our teams.”

US Expand Radalytica

Radalytica expanded into the US in 2022 with their office located in Franklin, Texas. Radalytica is a provider of robotic imaging systems for non-destructive testing. The company expanded into the US with its unique RadalyX robotic system, which, through a combination of advanced imaging sensors and robotics, significantly enhances the effectiveness of imaging methods.


For Radalytica, it was mainly technological scouting that helped put the company on the map for US customers, bringing clients such as Boeing and Blue Origin into the fold. “I have to say that America has a very positive approach and drive towards new technologies and innovations,” says Jan Sohar, CEO, Radalytica.


However, he was surprised that this innovation is lacking in payment transactions. The company did not know what to do with their very first check for tens of thousands of dollars that showed up in Europe. Now, they know how to process it, and establishing a US entity was a big part of this solution.

“I have to say that America has a very positive approach and drive towards new technologies and innovations.” 


Check out the atmosphere from US Expand 2024.  

Most of our business usually happens online, but this time everyone enjoyed meeting face-to-face.

US Expand 2024

More from Hydra Consulting

Hydra Consulting offers a full-service representation to European businesses coming to America. We handle company setup, taxes, visas and business development.

Hello America! A Sophisticated Robotic Device Is On Its Way To You

Hydra Consulting / US Market Insights / Client's Insights

Hello America! A Sophisticated Robotic Device Is On Its Way To You

Hydra Consulting
7 mins read

Our client, the Czech company Radalytica, a.s., has developed a robotic imaging system called RadalyX, that excels at nondestructive testing (NDT) of composite parts.


Radalytica is now expanding into the US market, focusing initially on the aerospace industry with clients such as Blue Origin and Boeing. However, their innovative device has applications in many other industries, including automotive, healthcare, and even, the art world.

Why did they decide to expand into the US market? How did they find their first client? And how do you prepare such a unique technical solution for overseas shipment? We asked all of these questions to Tana Holanova, Radalytica’s business and logistics manager, who is responsible for their US expansion.

radalytica robot hydra consulting

Why did you decide to enter the US market?


We see enormous potential in the US market. It’s vast, continuously growing and home to industry leaders in aerospace, automotive and healthcare. Our product is a sophisticated technical solution developed by engineers and scientists that can be further customized based on each client’s needs.


Without a doubt, our product requires investment, understanding and commitment, but it also provides our clients with a significant industry advantage and saves them time and money during the testing and development process.

“Our product is a sophisticated robotic imagining system developed by engineers and scientists that can be further customized based on each client’s needs.”

How did you acquire your first US customers, and did they make the entire process easier?


What helped us was attending various conferences held by ASNT, the American Society for Nondestructive Testing. We showcased our product, discussed its advantages and networked with both public and industry experts. We piqued the interest of journalists and our product featured in industry-leading magazines, including Compositesworld, which helped us gain visibility.


Our frequent visits to the US and extensive networking eventually led us to our very first clients, Blue Origin and Boeing.

Why did you decide to apply for an E2 investor visa and establish an LLC?


RadalyX is a sophisticated system that often requires our technicians to be present at clients’ premises to train their teams and ensure everything is properly set up. Therefore, we want to establish a local US team that can be readily available to our clients when needed, eliminating the need to fly technicians from the Czech Republic.


Additionally, we intend to establish a base where technical devices can be assembled and stored. In the future, we plan to invest in a center of expertise where our solutions will be accessible for clients to test. Fortunately, our visas were approved two months ago, and thus, our relocation and US team-building process are currently underway.

radalytica robotic device

“In the US, we plan to invest in a Center of Epertise where our solutions will be accessible for clients to test.”

As you mentioned, your product is a very sophisticated piece of technology. What does the process of shipping such a device look like?


The preparation of the entire system is the most important and fundamental aspect of transportation. One of the significant advantages of our system is its portability, meaning we can dismantle the device into individual components. However, each of these components, including the electronic parts, needs to be carefully packaged to prevent damage – even minor impacts or mishandling of the crates.


For this purpose, we use a specialized company with experience in this area. They meticulously prepare the system for transportation, including quality packaging materials, required security labels and the installation of motion sensors that monitor potential excessive impacts or improper handling. The recipient can then address any potential damage upon receiving the

radalytica robotic device

“The preparation of the entire system is the most important and fundamental aspect of transportation.”

What advice would you give to someone considering shipping their goods to the US?


I would focus on quality packaging, insurance and communication with the transportation company regarding its transport conditions. We use UPS, which is unique for our purposes, and so far, we haven’t encountered any problems with the transportation of our robotic devices.

Insights to Get Your US Expansion Off the Ground

Hydra Consulting / US Market Insights / Client's Insights

Three Insights to Get Your US Expansion Off the Ground

Hydra Consulting
7 mins read

Expanding your business to the United States requires careful consideration, planning and investment before such attempt is advised.


There are several areas where investing money pays off. And remember, these investments can be used in your E2 business visa application as US expenditures spent within the US economy. Here are three areas your investments can help kickstart your US expansion:

Establish Local Partnerships

It does not matter if it is local partners, suppliers, distributors or consultants, these are the people who can provide you with the necessary insights and resources to help you settle into the US market.


Utilizing the full potential of well-established trade shows and fairs specific to your industry can also help your company present itself properly to your new business community. McKinsey reported that such partnerships can reduce marketing costs by up to 50% while increasing revenue.

Client Insight: One of our clients, offering a unique technological device, spent an entire year – and thousands of dollars – visiting industry-specific trade shows and traveling back and forth. The CEO of the company was involved in many of those trips.


All this effort and money paid off in the end as the significant media platform covering the industry wrote an extensive article about the company’s technology. This article was seen by a leading US aerospace company, who later became one of the company’s first clients.

One of our clients spent an entire year – and thousands of dollars – visiting industry-specific trade shows and traveling back and forth.

Adapt to Local Regulations and Gain the Necessary Certifications

Thinking about the US market as one homogeneous market is a mistake. America has 50 states, and with that, the same amount of regulatory, economic and legal environments and systems.


This diversity requires your focus and consideration for your US business expansion. Engaging with local chambers of commerce and business associations allow your business to stay on top of any potential changes in your new business environment.

Meeting the necessary regulations to do business in your chosen state or municipality and obtaining the required certifications will set you apart from the local competition and show your seriousness and long-term interest in the marketplace.

Client Insight: Acquiring certification is important for any type of product. For our client, who developed a unique AI-centric technical educational software, it was important to obtain certifications for the mobile application in relation to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Acquiring certification is important for any type of product.

Adjust Your Product and Sales Processes

Like understanding your local rules and regulations, your product must be prepared for sale in the US market as well as your sales processes. What does that mean in reality?

Finding local suppliers for parts, updating your packaging, or tweaking the main features of the product based on local industry requirements. Also, you are most likely going to need more than one distributor to service the US market. Start locally to develop your sales journey.

Client Insight: A manufacturer of roof drainage systems with a wide range of very specific products identified a few products that were lacking in the US market, and therefore, expected them to be in high demand.


With that market need in mind, the company leased a US-based facility to store their products, and eventually, created an assembly line for product finalization that would assist it in getting its products into the hands of the local customers as fast as possible.

One of our clients with a wide range of very specific products identified a few products that were lacking in the US market, and therefore, expected them to be in high demand.