Hello America! A Sophisticated Robotic Device Is On Its Way To You
Our client, Radalytica is now expanding into the US market with a robotic imaging system called RadalyX. Why did they decide to expand into the US market? How did they find their first client? And how do you prepare such a unique technical solution for overseas shipment?
Business Plan: Achieving a 100% success rate with E1 or E2 visas 
At Hydra Consulting, we’ve proven to be even more successful with our E1 and E2 visa applications for our clients with a 100% success rate for business owners.   Continue reading
Five things companies wish they knew before applying for an E2 visa
It can be easy to forget essential elements that will help your business succeed. We’ve complied five key components for success into an easy to remember checklist so that they stay on your radar throughout the visa process. Continue reading
More from Hydra Consulting
Hydra Consulting offers a full-service representation to European businesses coming to America. We handle company setup, taxes, visas and business development.